Psychotherapist’ help is rendered to people with the following complaints:
- depression,
- sleep disturbances,
- anxiety
- reduced work capacity,
- phobia (pathologically strong fear),
- sexual dysfunction,
- the difficulty with relatives, children or other people
Sometimes there are complaints about the body which are hard to explain and there is suspicion that they are caused by a psychic conflict.
In fact, there are many physical symptoms, which a doctor cannot explain by a biological cause, since they are manifestations of stress which disappear as soon as the problem is solved.
Such symptoms may be: stomachache, constipation, diarrhoea, pain in the chest, palpitation, dizziness, respiratory disorders, headaches, swallowing difficulties, vision disorder, tendency to lose consciousness, muscle weakness, urination difficulties, burning sensation in genital organs, menstrual cycle dysfunctions, infertility.
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