Doctor dermatologist, venereologist: Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of skin, hair, nail, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases
At the dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases clinic, highly qualified dermatologists and venereologists offer services both outpatient and in day clinics, providing thorough and effective diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases for both children and adults. The laboratory operates on weekdays from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

What examinations are performed?

  • Dermatoscopy
  • Digital dermatoscopy
  • Photodynamic therapy
  • Laser treatment
  • Narrow spectrum and other types of phototherapy (Nb-UVB, UVA-1, PUVA)
  • Radiosurgery
  • Sexually transmitted disease examination and treatment
  • Morphological and histochemical examination of skin biopsy samples
  • Psychodermatology

Psychophysiological disorders are skin conditions that can recur due to emotional stress or psychogenic factors. Primary psychiatric disorders with dermatological symptoms, such as delusional parasitosis, arise from self-induced skin disturbances. These cases are often linked to endogenous or schizophrenic psychoses, with patients typically imagining infections by parasites.

The second group of conditions involves chronic dermatological diseases like psoriasis, acne vulgaris, or atopic dermatitis, which can lead to psychological distress, especially when difficult to treat, causing long-term limitations in daily life or work. A lack of knowledge about treatment options or an exaggerated understanding of the disease’s severity often exacerbates these issues.

Dermatoscopy is a method that allows for detailed examination and observation of skin and mucosal formations, especially pigmentations deep within the skin. A manual dermatoscope, which combines polarized and non-polarized light, magnifies skin formations 10-15 times more than the naked eye. During the examination, formations are analyzed according to the ABCD principle (asymmetry, borders, color, diameter) to determine whether they are benign, suspicious, or malignant. This method helps detect formations that may not be visible in the early stages.

Digital dermatoscopy
Digital dermatoscopy uses a digital dermatoscope, allowing detailed examination of skin formations with up to 100x magnification. It also captures digital images of pigmentations, enabling computerized analysis, documentation, and storage. This technology is especially valuable for high-risk patients, such as those with a history of melanoma or other skin cancers, those with many moles, or those taking immunosuppressive medications.

Photodynamic therapy
Photodynamic therapy is a medical procedure that uses special substances and light to treat dermato-oncological diseases and pre-cancerous conditions.

Laser treatment
Laser devices are used to treat various skin formations, such as moles, keratoses, papillomas, and warts. Lasers can also be used for scar treatment and the removal of blood vessels. The excimer laser can treat psoriasis, chronic dermatoses, and vitiligo.

Phototherapy involves the use of different ultraviolet light spectrums (narrow-band UVB, UVA-1, and PUVA) for the treatment of skin diseases. The clinic’s dermatologists have extensive experience using this method for treating conditions like psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, and chronic eczema. The advanced phototherapy equipment ensures precise dosage and improved patient safety throughout treatment.

In radiosurgery, dermatologists use radiofrequency coagulators to remove various skin formations.

Sexually transmitted disease examination and treatment
The clinic offers anonymous consultations and testing for sexually transmitted infections. STDs, caused by bacteria, parasites, fungi, or viruses, are transmitted through sexual contact and can range from mild to severe. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent long-term complications.

Skin biopsy morphological and histochemical examination
This diagnostic procedure involves taking a small tissue sample (biopsy) from the skin, which is then examined under a microscope and subjected to chemical analysis to accurately diagnose skin conditions.

How to reduce the risk of melanoma

Melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, often starts as a growing or changing mole. Regular skin checks are recommended to monitor for melanoma, which can develop on previously unaffected skin or from existing moles that change in size or appearance.

We recommend visiting a dermatologist at least once a year if:

  • You have fair skin that easily burns in the sun
  • You have many moles (more than 50) or large moles (larger than 5 millimeters)
  • You have light or red hair and freckles
  • You experienced sunburns during childhood or adolescence
  • You have a family history of melanoma

What to do if you have head lice?

Head lice (pediculosis) are highly contagious, so immediate treatment and preventive measures are necessary upon discovering lice or nits. Though parents can often handle lice with special products and careful combing, dermatologists may also be involved in treatment.